All I can point to is the fact that the attorney is a JW is not going to matter to the judge. Attorneys are considered "Officers of the Court" and professional behavior is expected of them. Bringing up the fact that he's a JW is going to be objected to as irrelavent. If you haven't got an attorney yet, now would be the time to do so. I was in this situation not so long ago. It had nothing to do with Witnesses, but coming from someone who has been around that merry-go-round already once, it's not going to be pretty.
Sic Semper Tyrannis
JoinedPosts by Sic Semper Tyrannis
wife even has a jw lawyer!!!...i cant these people out of my life!!!!!
by oompa inwhat are the odds??
? many jw lawyers can there even be?
?....i mean most cant ever even go to frikkin college!!!
This Sounds like JWs!
by NoRegrets inparents that handed their kids off to another congregation member for a beating?
a 15 year old boy they suspected of smoking?
sounds like witnesses!
Sic Semper Tyrannis
It does sound like Witnesses. Hardly any other religious group goes about as batshit as they would about smoking. JW's still view smoking as worshipping demons since the Native Americans used tobacco in their religious practices. I know my dad would have really laid into me if he ever caught me smoking.
What is Knorr's legacy?
by drewcoul ini was wondering, i am aware of most of the presidents of the wts being a born in.
i am familiar with how it started with ct russell and the tumultuous takeover by jfr.
i grew up in the franz era and left about 2001 (although not mentally out until finding this forum a year and a half ago).
Sic Semper Tyrannis
Knorr was described in Ray Franz's books as a 'strictly-business' kind of man. He had his faults, and seemed to resent any attempt at change. Personal accounts describe him anywhere from polite and proper to tempermental and prone to having many personal peeves. He absolutely couldn't stand secular dress among Bethelites, and was the one responsible for adding Saturday as a half-day of work when he discovered that some Bethelites were going out on weekends. Disfellowshipping under his reign got even more strict, especially with his rather stringent views on sex and dating. Whereas people got disfellowshipped in the Rutherford era primarily for apostasy, Knorr expanded this policy to include anything from fornication to an intentionally vague "loose conduct". Like all presidents since Russell, his legacy is of holding strong to the status quo and adding his own personal beliefs and preferences into a growing book of law for Witnesses worldwide.
Sic Semper Tyrannis
His books were insightful and made me realize how much of a joke the GB really is. The 2/3's rule for example. More than half of the GB could be opposed to a policy, but if they didn't have 2/3's to reverse it, the policy stayed the same. No wonder things never changed and a culture of legalism prevailed. Though Ray didn't directly spell it out, it showed that their interests were in moving literature rather than really making a difference in people's lives.
How Dangerous Is Putin?
by scotoma inrussia is facing the same dilemma that the dictators in the middle east have been facing.. in the middle east the leaders have tried to kill or at least beat up demonstrators.
this hasn't worked.. putin has been watching this and he has been opposed to the west getting involved.
he no doubt knows what the consequences.
Sic Semper Tyrannis
Putin's only a junkyard dog. Stay out of his yard and you'll be OK.
If You Have Had the CO or DO Stay With You...
by A question infor those of you who have had the co/do stay with you for the week:.
how was the experience?.
how did they spend their free time?
Sic Semper Tyrannis
The only time the CO stayed with our family was a disaster. They stayed in my sister's room while she slept on the floor in my room along with my little brother. My dad told her to take down all her Bon Jovi and Poison posters and memorabilia (late 80's quite obviously), but for whatever reason, she didn't, and my dad didn't check the room before the CO and his wife went in. You could see the disapproval from the way he glared at the room. My dad got the hint, and quietly took them down as the CO went down to have a cup of coffee as my mother diplomatically (and wisely) offered. Though they were nominally polite, this first impression made quite a poor one. After only two nights, they abruptly excused themselves and went to stay in a much wealthier Witness family's guest house. I didn't see why they didn't offer that in the first place, but oh well. Personally, I was glad they left because I didn't feel compelled to go out in service when they did, and my sister could have her room back. According to everyone's expectations, the "local needs" talk was about the rock and roll culture and how we shouldn't idolize it. My sister got it good that night after the Thursday night meeting from my dad. It turned out to be the catalyst for her own demise. Within the month she arranged to move in with one of her worldly high school friends. She was disfellowshipped for "loose conduct" soon afterwards under dubious circumstances.
Sic Semper Tyrannis
No kidding. I still can't get used to this cold.
When You See A Witness What's Your First Reaction?
by minimus ini saw a few mindlessly working a neighborhood as i was driving the other day.
they looked so unhappy, just walking in baby steps, looking like zombies..
Sic Semper Tyrannis
I feel saddened that people continue to be bullied into a life of submission from the HQ. When they come to my door I attempt to be as polite as I can, while excusing myself to other important business. I was once one of them, and hopefully they at one point or another will join me in getting out of that religion.
The Duggars: The continuing wackadoodle saga
by rebel8 ini am so sad for these people's delusions..
Sic Semper Tyrannis
I think that now they are just feeding off of the media attention that they are simply doing what everyone expects of them - to have more babies. Kind of like any Kardashian family member who decides to embark on a high publicity relationship. It's what the public expects of them, and they are more than happy to provide.
Why did/does there appear to be an unusually high number of "Germanic" names in the Governoring Body compared to others?
by StoneWall intoday as i was researching past and present members of the governoring body of j.w.
's something stood out to me that seemed out of proportion towards other name origins.. the vast majority appeared to be from the germanic peoples.
either they were originally from germany themself or their parents immigrated from germany.. here are some of the ones i researched and you should be able to spot just from their names a hint of their origins:.
Sic Semper Tyrannis
I agree with Blondie. The US has a huge Germanic population, and add in the fact that in pre-war Weimar Germany the Witnesses were huge, you get a lot of Germans on the GB. However, this is probably a passing trend as the Witnesses expand into Third World countries. In the future you can probably expect more African and Latin American Witnesses on the GB and in leadership positions than before.